Extrusiones de Aluminio a Medida
Contáctenos Acerca de Su ProyectoExtrusiones de Aluminio A Medida de Alta Calidad
Si necesita extrusiones de aluminio para sus proyectos como fabricante de equipos originales u otros, podemos ayudarle. El coste de crear moldes de extusión nuevos es relativamente bajo. Nuestras fundiciones en China e India producen una gama de aleaciones de las series 2000 a las 7000, y hay disponibles también operaciones secundarias. Cantidad Mínima de Pedido: 1000 kg
Matrices A Medida

Menores Costes de Fabricación

Entrega de Envíos a Tiempo
The Extrusion Process: How Custom Extrusions are Made
The custom extrusion process allows you to get the exact profiles you need to complete your project. So, what is the process? It starts with the machining of a custom die, based on your specifications. That die is used to extrude the profiles, which can then be heat treated and finished, and can also undergo other fabrication operations, based on your requirements. Here you can see the basic steps involved in the process.

Step 1: Creating the Extrusion Die
Once we receive your drawings and project specifications, a die is created that matches your desired cross-sectional profile. The die is machined from H13 steel at in-house tool and die shops.

Step 2: Using Your Die for Extrusion
Your finished die then gets taken to and loaded onto the extrusion press. A powerful ram will push heated aluminum through its shaped opening so that it comes out in the shape you specified.

Step 3: Cooling, Stretching & Cutting
Aluminum exits the die in the shape of the opening and comes out as a long table-length extrusion. It gets sheared, cooled, stretched into alignment, and then cut into standard length extrusions.

Step 4: Heat Treatment
For extrusions that require heat treatment, the stock length profiles are then collected and transported to ovens. Heat treatment enhances the aluminum’s strength to achieve the T4, T5, or T6 designations.

Step 7: Surface Finishing
If your profiles require something other than mill finish, they are then taken for surface finishing. They can then be anodized, painted, powder coated, or even receive wood-look finishing.

Step 8: Other Fabrication Services
Profiles can also undergo other fabrication operations like drilling, cutting, stamping, or machining. Once this work is finished, they can be packed up in scratch-free packaging and shipped out overseas.
Capacidades de Extrusión a Medida
Las formas extruidas estándar no siempre son las adecuadas para las necesidades de su proyecto. Nuestras extrusiones a medida y operaciones secundarias le permitirán obtener las formas exactas que necesita de India. Si tiene un diseño a medida, podemos ayudarle a reducir costes sin dejar de cumplir con sus especificaciones y sus exigencias de calidad. Nuestras plantas asociadas ofrecen talleres completos de herramientas y matrices, fundiciones propias y servicios de manufactura.
Herramientas y Matrices

Aleación y Templado

Acabado Superficial

Servicios de Manufactura
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