Hanukkah is here (Dec 6-14). That means it’s time for all our Jewish friends and neighbors to light up their menorahs. The history of the Hanukkah festival goes back to events that happened over 2,000 years ago.

Today, people celebrate by lighting menorahs in their home. Kids spin their dreidels to win chocolate coins. These traditions have been the inspiration for some interesting DIY projects.

Here are three projects that are sure to liven up anyone’s Hanukkah.

#1 Mega Menorah 9000 Soldering Kit

Teach your kids some soldering skills with the Mega Menorah 9000 from Evil Mad Scientist. The kit includes two circuit boards, a USB power/programming jack and control buttons. Use your own soldering iron and wire clippers to put it together.


#2 DIY LED Hanukkah Menorah

This second LED menorah is not as cute as the first one. But, that doesn’t mean it won’t be a worthwhile project. Download the plans on Instructables. You can build it with a minimal number of parts. It’s a fun project that will help get you into the holiday frame of mind.


#3 Aluminum Dreidel

Have some extra aluminum lying around? This Instructable will give you something to use it for. Your kids can spin the dreidel to compete for chocolate coins. And your milled dreidel will make for a festive holiday.


What kind of DIY projects have you enjoyed in the past? (Whether holiday related or otherwise) Leave a comment!